JOel habermas

Joel Habermas is the General Director of Cumberland Springs Bible Camp. 

matthew habermas

Matthew is our Program Director.

rachel marshall

Rachel is the Financial Secretary and Operations Director. 

Rachel manages facility rentals, and oversees the financial operations of the camp. She assists in the kitchen, and with various housekeeping tasks as well. 

She, her husband Jared, and their two children live on campus.

mike & kathy Hathaway

Mike and Kathy Hathaway have recently changed roles from General and Assistant Director/Treasurer to Building and Grounds Supervisor and Treasurer/Kitchen and Housekeeping. They served as the directors for more than 25 years and are looking forward to slowing down and passing the reigns on. 

While they are excited for this change, they are still actively involved in the daily workings of the camp.